Transmitted through delicate curtains or an LED lamp with a modifier installed. Supplementary light This light solves the problem of shadows on the face. It does not have to be as strong as the key light. A good solution is to use a reflector, a large piece of material that can reflect light in various ways. However, avoid using as strong a light on the opposite side as the key light, as this will result in a lack of contrast.
Ad texture in the face or product. What can be used as supplementary light? 5 in 1 blend, light curtains, a piece of Styrofoam, LED light with adjustable color and intensity. Counter light We place them behind the person being C Level Contact List recorded (or the subject we are illuminating), often opposite the key light - that is, in opposition to it. It is used to illuminate contours that will "cut off" the subject from the background.
You can experiment with color to achieve the desired effect. What can be used as counter light? Color-adjustable LED lights will work best. In the previous part, the concept of technical light appeared - these are most often lights in scenography that are used to make the frame more attractive, such as neon lights, colorful LEDs or candles. These aren't essential, but they can further enhance the look of your video.