The contrast between the intermediate color group is clear. When the base color and the adjacent color are not distinguishable enough, you can consider using the intermediate color. Design to enhance the clarity of color. ? Adjacent colors are colors that are close to each other in the color wheel. Generally, two colors with a color wheel around ° can be defined as adjacent colors, such as blue and green, yellow and orange. What are similar colors? Similar colors are relatively close to adjacent colors, but the range of similar colors is smaller
than adjacent colors. Generally, two colors at about Afghanistan WhatsApp Number degrees of the color wheel can be defined as similar colors, such as orange and yellow, blue-green and blue. What is contrasting colors? Contrast color is a way of naming design expression, generally referring to two conflicting colors, such as red and green, red and blue. Based on this concept, it is easier to understand. In other words, the contrasting colors or complementary colors we often call can be defined as contrasting color logic. What is mixed color Mixed colors are a color concept based on the
principle of three primary colors, that is, a third color formed by mixing two or two. For example, red + yellow will turn into orange, and yellow + blue will turn into green. In design, mixed colors are generally used as transitional color matching aids. The emotion of color Color emotions refer to the emotions or emotional impulses generated when people see colors. This emotion is the result of associative thinking after the light information generated by colors of different frequencies is transmitted to the brain through