Animation Your videos dont have to show real people and images, opting for animation adds an element of fantasy! Additionally, there are many online platforms for creating animated videos. Live video Perfect for premieres, new product launches, big news, etc. . Email Marketing Email Marketing is the ideal complement for your marketing activities. The good thing is that Email Marketing is relevant to each stage of the Buyers Journey. Your Email Marketing campaigns can be segmented based on a series of factors type of subscription, productservice, location, type of potential customer, etc. We always recommend segmenting audiences so you can send different content to different groups. For example, you should not send a person in the initial stage of the Customer Journey an email with exhaustive information about your product or services.
Use marketing automation tools to nurture your potential customers and send them valuable A Complete List Of Unit Mobile Number List content, guiding them through the Marketing funnel. You can always take advantage of email marketing tools to send discounts and offers, helping your sales team close opportunities. Email Marketing also helps you gain visibility over the actions of your contacts, since you can monitor opens, clicks, etc. At mbudo, we help carry out email marketing campaigns for our clients, through the HubSpot platform. From AB Tests, smart content, email performance, etc. Expert tip Develop an Email Marketing template with your brand guidelines so that your customers immediately recognize your emails Related content formats Newsletter .

Questionnaires and surveys do you need feedback from your customers? A questionnaire or survey is a good way to get that information. You can take advantage of email marketing to find out about your Net Promoter Score NPS through a survey. Conduct market research, get customer feedback, and more! . Visual content Infographics fun content marketing formats like infographicsTransform your written information and data into more visually appealing media! Infographics are a fun way for users to visualize data or how something works rather than using long, illegible chunks of text. This type of content marketing format is highly shareable and popular. However, it is not enough for your infographics to be visually attractive.