Using click bait titles will ultimately work against you. Clickbait titles are titles that you as a reader cannot resist, but whose content does not match the title. A title such as 'The only and easy solution to achieve more turnover for your webshop' can be seen as clickbait if the content is not about the only and easy solution.
One way to make sure your titles are accurate? Use a short clarification in your headline using square brackets: [….]. What can the reader expect in your blog?
A study by Hubspot that looked at 3.3 million germany phone number found that headlines with a short clarification such as [Interview], [Podcast], [Infographic], etc. performed 38% better than content items that did not contain such words. had title.
Again, it's all about setting good expectations. By using square brackets, the reader knows exactly what he can read, even before a reader has clicked on your headline.
brackets-2 brackets-1
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3. Make it attractive
It is not the case that if you cannot exaggerate in your title, it is not necessarily a boring title. There are many more ways to make your title attractive.