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Maritime Rescue renews its agreement after twelve years of negotiation









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-3-12 13:59:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

Ismael Furió, secretary of organization of the Sea and Ports sector of the CGT, points out that the agreement will allow the blocking of hiring to be resolved and the workforce to be renewed. Go to download The representative of CGT, the majority union and president of the Maritime Salvage works committee, Ismael Furió, is satisfied with the renewal of the collective agreement of the public company after twelve years of negotiation, although the agreement does not include many of the demands of the template. However, he solves the hiring problem and opens the door to working on staff renewal. “Diversion” of money He points out that, compared to the end of last year, the work pressure due to immigration is somewhat less, because in December an item was approved for reinforcements whose contracts end these days. He recalls that although some parties managed to have an item introduced in the general budgets of the State to reinforce the workforce, the truth is that the Ministry of Finance has stated that it has no evidence that this money has that application.

In Furió's opinion, this is a manifest "deviation" that will allow the company to "spend it, I think, on propaganda, so as not to think badly." Water vapor, a pioneering treatment against benign prostatic hyperplasia Hyperplasia benigna de prostate  Photo: Kimedia Hyperplasia benigna de prostate Photo: Kimedia Héctor Ajubita Fernández, head of the Urology Service at San Roque WhatsApp Number List University Hospitals in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, details the benefits of this therapy. Go to download San Roque University Hospitals has implemented water vapor treatment for benign prostate hyperplasia both in its center in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and in Maspalomas. As pointed out by the head of the Urology Service in the center of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Héctor Ajubita Fernández, benign prostate hyperplasia consists of the growth of the gland, something that, although it does not affect the patient's survival, worsens its quality.

Life due to phenomena such as nocturia, the need to evacuate during the night, "and living in the bathroom." This pathology occurs because the growth of the prostate affects the urine duct, compressing it and making it difficult to expel. Success in 96% of cases In Ajubita Fernández's opinion, the important thing is to find the appropriate treatment for each patient, with water vapor being recommended for those patients who want to maintain non-retrograde ejaculation, something that is achieved in more than 96% of cases. Likewise, the side effects of commonly used medications are avoided. In addition, it is a non-invasive treatment that only requires light sedation. The procedure consists of injecting water vapor at about 70 degrees into the prostate, which causes immediate cell death of the part of the prostate that has grown. The maximum benefit is achieved after six months, although only one intervention is necessary.

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