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When designing your company history









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-3-7 12:10:18 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
It has to be authentic! Finally, I would like to give you what I believe to be the most important principle for effective employer branding. Namely: It has to be authentic! With fake and unbelievable content, you will not be successful, especially in this area, or you will literally cut yourself in the flesh. If you want to start with employer branding tomorrow, you should also think about which department you want to place which measures in. I see the content marketing department as being responsible for the basic conception of a blog, while the creation and planning of social media content should normally be the responsibility of your social media team.

Another option, of course, is to start with employer branding in the area of ​​recruiting and Special Data to place the topic in human resources management. But in order not to miss the mark, I advise you: If all areas go hand in hand and work together strategically, you will usually have the best outcome!Does your company have an interesting founding story? Then tell them! I'll show you which narrative patterns you can use to inspire your (potential) customers and give tips for linguistic storytelling tricks. two boys with cannon, helmet and glasses Preparation Before you can put your founding story on (digital) paper, you first have to create the basis. You should be able to ask and answer the following questions: Why did I start my company.

Who are the protagonists? What problems does my product solve? How does my product make the world (of my customers) better? Who is my brand hero? What does my style guide say (tone, communication, pace)? Luckily, you won't be left alone when answering these questions. I'll tell you what you need to pay attention to in my article on the brand story . All questions answered? Then you have to determine the appropriate narrative pattern for your company story. Boy wearing a suit in the office – retro Yay, let’s shout about the company history…it’s almost lunch break. 3, 5 or 7 acts? Stories are traditionally told in acts. you can use the classic act structures as a basis, which almost all of us still know from German lessons.


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