Technologies for Data Privacy and Protection:
Threat detection: IDS monitors network traffic for suspicious activity that may indicate an intrusion.Real-time alerts: IDS systems can generate alerts when potential threats are detected.
Types of IDS: Network-based IDS (NIDS) and host-based IDS (HIDS).
Authorization and authentication: Restricting access to sensitive data based on user roles and permissions.
Identity and access management (IAM): Managing user Phone Number identities, credentials, and access privileges.
Multi-factor authentication (MFA): Requiring multiple forms of verification (e.g., password, biometrics, security token) to access systems.
Data anonymization: Replacing sensitive data with random or synthetic data to protect privacy.
Data tokenization: Replacing sensitive data with unique tokens that can be decrypted only by authorized parties.
Data obfuscation: Making data less readable or understandable.